The first 30 miles were hard, head wind, up and down hill, and all the more frustrating as the first feed station had run out of cake!!!
Fortunately there was respite in a little cafe for a cuppa and slice in the next village.
Sam and Louise rode magnificently, never complaining (cake excepted) and with smiles on their faces, and as we rounded the corner to gain a back wind, there was even talk of beating this years times next year!!
The final 12 miles were a joy to ride as we know we were close to the finish, roads became familiar, and kept up with the pack (thought to see some of the 70 mile riders coming past us was a sight to see... those guys could motor).
The countryside was stunning and the weather was as perfect as could be (wind aside) and it was all worthwhile as we've raised £1100 so far, with more expected.
Our real celebration came as we all arrived home in the form of a Chinese take-out (yum!!).
Photos and video will be uploaded shortly, so please check them out!
We want to thank everyone for their support, for their generosity and kind comments, but please forgive us as we continue to pester and harass you all, we really can make a difference,
Also, a final note to wish Jane a speedy recovery and hope to see her on her bike with us next year :-)